"It All Starts With Confidence"
Team Skill Building - Pad Up & Go Live
Beginners to D1, We all have skills to learn. GYG is here to help at ANY level.
Follow our proven GYG process: Plan, Practice, Perform.
Great for Attack & Middle Lines who run together, or friends who wan to practice skills together.
Split into 2 Parts: the first being individual skill building, and the second being full game like situations.
Offense vs. Defense, fast breaks, actual team plays, and improve overall field awareness or lacrosse IQ.
Building skills together creates an unmatched cohesiveness for the players on and off the field.
Fields: Creeekside Sports Park, Los Gatos High, Local Field of Your Choice
Equipment: Gloves & Helmet / Full Pads **Equipment Provided If Needed**
1 Hour = $60 / Hour / Player
2 Hours = $50 / Hour / Player